of people buy nutrition and diet books every year, making the writing and
selling of this category highly profitable. The important question that needs
to be asked is – who exactly is writing these books and what are their
qualifications? Are they to be trusted? Or are they snake oil salespersons out
to make a buck? The journal Nature recently published the findings of a group
of researchers who analyzed the top 100 bestselling nutrition and diet books from
2008 to 2015. The following is a summary of their findings.
Assessing the authors:
each author, we attempted to extract educational and occupational information
by searching their name in online searches to find biographies, interviews and
news articles, including the author’s occupational information. These searches
were performed between 15 October, 2018 and 27 October, 2018. We also utilized
Wikipedia pages and Google Books author information when possible. We performed
additional searches in Google Scholar for the authors that claimed to have
university faculty appointments and recorded the number and type of
publications with 100 or more citations, such as research articles, reviews, or
opinion pieces. Only a minority of published works reach 100 citations,
therefore passing this threshold can signify substantial visibility of the
published work. We also validated claims of faculty appointment by searching
for the author in the corresponding university’s faculty listing.”
The qualifications and credibility of
most of the authors should come as no surprise:
were 83 unique authors among the top 100 diet and nutrition-focused books as
some authors had multiple best-seller hits among the top 100 …….. Of the 83
authors, 33.7% had a medical degree and 6.0% had a Ph.D degree, while about
half of the authors had no M.D., Ph.D or other graduate degree. The current
and previous occupations of the authors revealed that a third of them were at
some point practicing physicians, and a great variety of other occupations were
also represented, including editors, entrepreneurs, personal trainers,
nutritionists, actors, bloggers, reality television stars, a fire fighter, and
a professional pool player.”
Authors with(out) university
decided to further investigate the credentials of these best-selling authors to
see how many of them had faculty appointments in universities. Of the 83
authors, we found a total of 20 authors with some mention of a faculty
appointment, either currently or in the past. Of those 20, seven were currently
on the faculty of some university and the information could be validated in the
website of the institution by searching their name. Several of these authors
seemed to have auxiliary appointments at adjunct or ‘voluntary’ positions
(unclear what that latter faculty title means). Most of the current professors
were in biomedical (including nutrition-related) fields, but one was on the
faculty of non-fiction writing.”
Many of the authors have been in
trouble with the law:
those who are publishing extensively in the peer-reviewed literature, we found
one who was investigated for research fraud and then retired. As we perused the
available information of the careers of the authors of nutrition best-selling
books, we also came across some examples of legal or regulatory repercussions.
One author lost his ability to practice medicine and was investigated by the
New York district attorney for promoting questionable health practices, one
received several letters of warning from the United States Food and Drug
Administration, and one was convicted for misrepresenting the content of his
books among other crimes and went to jail.”
The majority of the authors claimed
their specific diets prevent or cure a wide variety of diseases:
collected and categorized the Google Books summary of each of the top 100 diet
and nutrition-related books. Eighty of the summaries mentioned weight loss or
weight management, and of the summaries that specified a program length and/or
the number of pounds that could be lost, the median was 21 days ….. Apart from weight loss, one of the most
common claims of the summaries was that the nutritional and diet advice in the
books could cure or prevent disease. The most commonly listed diseases were
diabetes and heart disease. Other commonly listed diseases that could be
treated or prevented using these books were cancer, dementia, arthritis,
autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, autism spectrum disorder, and
Contradictory nutritional advice:
summary suggested counting calories, while eight books advised their readers
not to count calories. One summary suggested reducing portions/calories, four
advised not to reduce portions/calories, three suggested cycling size of
portions/calories consumed, and two encouraged their readers to eat more food.
Given the large, almost wild, diversity in nutritional opinions and claims, it
may be difficult to set a threshold of what would qualify as disputable and
unsubsantiated versus not. Regardless, many claims seemed very puzzling to us
and based on our knowledge of the scientific literature we would not be able to
even remotely endorse them.”
Text-mining the 100 books – a list of
mind-boggling claims:
are destroying your brain”—Grain Brain
off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling
breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival.”—How Not to
Belly diet attacks fat on a genetic level, placing a bull’s-eye on the fat
cells that matter most: visceral fat, the type of fat ensconced in your
belly.”—Zero Belly Diet
THE CRUNCHES: They just build muscle under the fat…LESS (EXERCISE) IS
MORE”—This Is Why You’re Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever)
pasta, bread, potato, and pizza will actually make you happier, healthier, and
thinner—for good”—The Carb Lovers Diet
breakfast, stop counting calories, eat high levels of healthy saturated fat,
work out and sleep less, and add smart supplements”—The Bulletproof Diet
“improvements” to our food supply—including refrigeration, sanitation, and
modified grains—have damaged our intestinal health. Dr. Axe offers simple ways
to get these needed microbes, from incorporating local honey and bee pollen
into your diet to forgoing hand sanitizers and even ingesting a little
probiotic-rich soil”—Eat Dirt
doesn’t make you fat; the process of getting fat makes you overeat.”—Always
you have an overall sense of not feeling your best, but it has been going on so
long it’s actually normal to you? You may have an autoimmune disease, and this
book is the “medicine” you need.”—The Immune System Recovery Plan
you how to grow new receptors for your seven metabolic hormones, making you
lose weight and feel great fast!”—The Hormone Reset Diet
world’s foremost expert on the therapeutic use of culinary spices, takes an
in-depth look at 50 different spices and their curative qualities, and offers
spice “prescriptions”–categorized by health condition–to match the right spice
to a specific ailment.”—Healing Spices
idea that people simply eat too much is no longer supported by science”—The
Adrenal Reset Diet
can actually lose weight by eating foods, nutrients, teas, and spices that
change the chemical balance of the brain for permanent weight loss—a major
factor contributing to how quickly the body ages. In fact, everyone can take
years off their age by changing their brain chemistry.”—Younger (Thinner) You
all, our assessment of the summaries of best-selling books on nutrition shows
that they may provide information or misinformation about very important
matters and they are a heterogeneous mix. We cannot exclude that some of them
may be providing sound or even excellent advice, but it is likely that many,
probably the large majority, contain substantial misinformation and claims that
have no scientific foundation. Our assessment by text-mining seven top-selling
books showed little reference to standard evidence-based medicine tools
(randomized trials and meta-analyses). The information spread in these
books may eventually have more impact on the public than the peer-reviewed
scientific literature, as more consumers reported using nutritional information
from friends and family members or from news articles or headlines or news on
TV than from reading a scientific study in 2018.
flaws, conflicts, lack of proper author credentials and evasion of proper scientific
documentation may need to be more broadly communicated to the public.
Regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration have no clear
framework for intervening at the moment. However, we need to find ways to
safeguard the public from misinformation. Greater public awareness of the
untrustworthiness of much of this literature is needed. In an era of escalating
anti-science movements, the downfall of nutrition science and its
compounded misrepresentation are also particularly dangerous for the reputation
of science at large.”
advocacy, and quackery in nutritional books: an analysis of conflicting advice
and purported claims of nutritional best-sellers https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-020-0415-6
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